Joining the Peter Warlock Society

Simply complete the form below and use your credit/debit card to gain immediate access

  • Name and email

    Details required for website access
  • May contain spaces, hyphens and underscores. Cannot be changed once created.
  • How you prefer to be addressed
  • Contact Info

    Your information will only be used to post hardcopies of newsletters and requested materials
  • Number, street, apartment etc.
  • Closest major city / postal town etc.
  • County, state, province etc.
  • Post code / Zip code etc.
  • Contact telephone number, with international code, e.g. +44 7941 XXXXXX
  • Password

    Password for website access.
  • Subscription plan

  • Please choose your preferred subscription plan.
    This plan grants you lifetime membership to The Peter Warlock Society.
    This plan gives you full membership of The Peter Warlock Society for one year.
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    • Payment Details

    • Before you can accept payments, you need to connect your Stripe Account by going to Dashboard -> Paid Member Subscriptions -> Settings -> Payments