First published: 1994, ISBN 978-0905210766
Peter Warlock: A Centenary Celebration
By David Cox and John Bishop
This book brings together 30 writers – past and present – to celebrate the centenary of the birth of one of the most magnetic, if controversial, figures in English musical history. In his brief working life of about 17 years, cut short by his untimely death in 1930, he achieved much as a composer of well over a hundred wide-ranging solo songs (now published in eight volumes), as a pioneer editor of early music, and as a penetrating and erudite commentator on the musical scene. The compilers of this volume have gathered some stimulating and highly individual views of a man whose complex persona continues to be the source of much lively speculation. The views span some 60 years and include impressions by some who knew Warlock personally; many of the contributions have been written specifically for this centenary volume.
The contributors are — Denis Apivor, Felix Aprahamian, Robert Beckhard, Rodney Bennett, Frank Callaway, Alastair Chisholm, Brian Collins, David Cox, Arnold Dowbiggin, Eric Fenby, Lewis Foreman, Keith Gould, Cecil Gray, Brian Hammond, Trevor Hold, Arthur Hutchings, Ernest Kaye, Beryl Kington, Paul Ladmirault, Patrick Mills, C W Orr, Ian Parrott, Anthony Payne, Florence Peck, Andrew Plant, Elizabeth Poston, Barry Smith, Philip Stone, Fred Tomlinson — and Philip Heseltine himself.
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