The English Song Series

Naxos, 2003

The English Song Series

By Adrian Thompson, Christopher Maltman, John Constable

The programme of this release (previously available on the Collins Classics label from 1997 and re-issued here by Naxos in 2003) reflects the wide variety of vocal styles and moods of Warlock’ music. The centrepiece is Warlock’ heartfelt and atmospheric setting of W. B. Yeats’ ‘The Curlew’.

Set beside this are Warlock’s boisterous drinking songs, as well as a number of more sober individual songs. This programme is an excellent introduction to one of the most interesting English composers of the first half of the last century.

Includes 17 tracks from The Curlew, Lillygay, Peterisms Sets 1 & 2 and Saudades.

Further information: Discogs and Naxos

Available from: Amazon

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